Why Baby Needs a Baby Blanket

Why Baby Needs a Baby Blanket - The children's blanket has always been the first gift that most children receive. The new mothers used to be ecstatic either to choose a new blanket or a family souvenir blanket to carry their newborn when they bring him home from the hospital.
Today, many doctors tell mothers to be careful when they put children in a family under blankets. They are warned that they can die of SIDS, which is a childhood syndrome that causes the child to stop breathing. The question is whether the child still needs a blanket, even if the mother does not put it on the blanket to sleep.
Most modern mothers put the baby on their back to sleep for many years. This reduces the risk of the newborn mother at midnight. The baby can be placed in the sleeping bag of the baby so that it is warm all night. But nothing replaces the love the child feels for his coverage.
Now there are lightweight muslin blankets that are not only respectful with the environment but also breathable. These new hanging blankets are so soft and thin that the baby can breathe through them. There is no risk of suffocation with these blankets. These blankets can be used on top of strollers to protect themselves from the sun, many of which even test the SUV to resist sunlight. These Swaddlers are made of gauze or linen and can also be used to cover during breastfeeding.
However, the child needs a blanket to contact him. These large blankets will not crawl 30 to 40 throughout the house or cut into small pieces that can be touched when the baby grows and needs to feel a little safe. The child needs a blanket. Whether wool, cotton or microfiber. BABY BLANKET can be customized with the first three characters of their names and uppercase letters. It can be colored to fit the daycare or stroller. A baby blanket can also be embroidered with your name and date of birth.
It will become a baby blanket memory. Even if you do not want to wrap a baby in this particular blanket, it has a wide variety of uses. 1. Wrap them in the bed for decoration. 2. Wrap the baby after your bath. 3. Hug the child when you read his story. 4. Let the baby lie on the blanket at the time of the abdomen. 5 Place the blanket in your diaper bag so you can change it on a warm, clean surface: your blanket. 6. Cover the child when you are in your vehicle. 7. Cover your child when you put him in the seat of his car. 8. Remember that the new child will not be too small. When you are a small child, let him use his blanket to relax when he goes to sleep.
The children's blanket is the broad warmth of the mother's arms and provides excellent comfort and safety during the child's development.
Source: EzineArticles
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