17 Unique Baby Names You’ll Fall In Love With!

17. Melin This name is derived from the Greek word “meli,” which means “honey.” It is similar to the name Melissa, which means “honey-bee” in Greek, and it is also related to Melanie. In Latin, Melina is said to mean “canary -yellow.” It is a cheerful choice for little girls that has gained a bit more popularity in recent years, although it was trendiest during the eighteenth century. A famous lady with this name is Melina Perez, an actress, model, and professional wrestler. Unique Baby Names
She has won multiple WWE championships and was named one of the world’s best wrestlers. Whether your baby becomes a renowned fighter or chooses a different, more relaxed career, Melina is a name to consider. Unique Baby Names
16. Niko Although this name might mean “nobody” in Bosnian, it means something a little more noteworthy in Greek. The origin of Niko comes from the Greek name Nikolai, which means “people of victory.” It has risen in popularity since the mid-1900s, but still only ranks around nine-hundred in the United States. Niko is also used as a shortened version of Nicholas or Nikolaos (nee-co-las), which both roughly translate to “champion of the people.” Either way, this is a brave choice for a son or daughter. The female variations of the name are Nicole or Nikola. One famous guy with this name is Niko Kovac, a former soccer player and now the coach of Eintracht Frankfurt, a German sports association. Unique Baby Names
15. Caspar This name is more commonly spelled with an “er” at the end instead of “ar.” However, we are not talking about the friendly ghost people have grown to love. Unique Baby Names
This name comes from Chaldea an ancient nation that eventually became a part of Babylonia. The name is so old that its origin can be traced back to the Book of Ezra from the Old Testament. Caspar is derived from the name Gaspar which transformed from the initial word “gizbar,” the Hebrew word for “treasurer.” It is also said to mean “bringer of treasure” in Persian. Another variation of the name is Jasper. This name is a unique choice for a little boy and ranks in the six-thousands for popular names. Unique Baby Names
14. Meadow - Even though many of us think of a field of greenery and livestock when we hear the word “meadow,” it is a unique and cheery baby name. Unique Baby Names
These open land areas filled with flowers and sunlight make anyone smile, and so do the people named after them. “Meadows” was a common surname in medieval England. The variations of its spelling were “Meddowes,” “Medows,” and “Medewes” Apparently; the name was initially used for people who lived next to a meadow. If you look further into the origin of this word, you’ll find that it comes from around 600 AD in the forms of “made" or “made” Meadow is a semi-popular name for girls and continues to gain recognition. Unique Baby Names
13. Alasdair This name might seem like a bit of a mouthful, but if you’re looking for something that will make your son stand out in a crowd, Alasdair is one to consider. It is the Scottish Gaelic form of Alexander. Unique Baby Names
The beginning of this call is Greek, just like many others. It comes from “Alexandros,” which can be broken down into “alexo,” which means “defend,” and “aner,” which means man. So, put together, Alasdair roughly translates to “defender of men.” Another form of this name is spelled with “ist” in place of “asd.” If you spell it this way, it’s one of the vampire’s names from The Vampire Diaries television series. Although Alasdair is a popular name in Scotland, it is less so in the United States. Unique Baby Names
12. Promise We all know what this word implies: a declaration, an agreement to do something, a pledge, or an obligation. Although it isn’t often considered to be a baby name, its popularity has spiked in recent years. Unique Baby Names
The promise is a wistful name concerning the thought that goes into it, and it can even be thought of like a parent’s vow to care for their child in the years to come. Plus, it sounds pretty. The promise is usually used as a girl’s name but can be used for boys as well, allowing moms and dads to choose a name without knowing the baby’s gender beforehand. Either way, this rare title is a solid choice. Unique Baby Names
11. Harlow This name comes from the town of Harlow, which is located in eastern England. The name is said to be derived from one of two options. Unique Baby Names
The theories are either the Old English words for “army hill” or “temple hill.” Either way, it is a strong name and a solid choice for a girl or boy. Harlow is more commonly a feminine name but suits a son as well as a daughter. It was mostly used as a surname until the mid-2000s when it rose in popularity. One celebrity with this name is Nicole Richie’s ten-year-old daughter, Harlow Madden. Richie has an affinity for unique names; her son’s name, Sparrow (spare-oh), is unusual as well. Unique Baby Names
10. Noe This biblical title is derived from the name Noah which is its more frequently seen form. Unique Baby Names
The Hebrew meaning of Noah is “comfort” or “rest.” But, most of us recognize it from the tale of Noah’s Ark written in the Bible. Noe is the Greek variation of Noah and was more often used as a surname before gaining popularity as a first name. Noe is more often given to boys but is sometimes given to girls as well, at least as a nickname. A celebrity with this unusual name is the professional baseball player Noe Ramirez, who used to play for the Boston Red Sox and is now a relief pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels. Unique Baby Names
9. Alondra We already discussed the name Alasdair whose origin is from the name Alexander. Well, for the ladies out there, this name is a play on the name Alejandra, which is the Spanish spelling of the Greek name Alexandra. So, it isn’t only men that can be named “defender of the people.” Alondra also means “lark” in Spanish, which is a petite songbird whose calls are intricate compared to other bird species. Considering their musical capabilities, it isn’t surprising that Alondra de la Parra was named after one of these creatures. Unique Baby Names
She is a conductor who works for the Queensland Symphony Orchestra as the Musical Director. So, if you’re looking for a unique girl’s name, you might fall in love with Alondra. Unique Baby Names
8. Elora This graceful sounding name is perfect for a baby girl that will brighten up your life. There are several different apparent origins of this name. It is said to mean “light” as a Greek name or “God is light” as a Hebrew name. Other sources state that it is a play on the name Laura, which comes from the plant called “bay laurel.” This plant’s leaves were used to make laurel wreaths in Ancient Greece and represented victory. Unique Baby Names
However, Elora is also said to be a made-up name with no real origin, except in the film Willow from 1988, in which the name was given to one of the characters. Unique Baby Names
7. Renata This unusual name got its start from the name Renatus, which is derived from the Latin for “born again.” It is also written as Renato for men, but Renata is the female form of the name. Other types of this title are Rene and Renate, depending on the country you’re from. It was initially a religious name, referring to baptism to be reborn. Although Renata was more common in Ancient Rome, it has grown in popularity in the past few years. One great gal with this name is Renata Scotto, an opera director and retired opera singer that has won some honors for her job. Unique Baby Names
6. Beckett This cute sounding name is of Old English origin. It was written originally as “Buccot” or “Becote.” It comes from the word “beo” which meant “bee,” and the word “cot” which meant “shelter” or “cottage.” So taken literally, the name is “bee cottage” or “beehive,” which is cute in itself. It was more commonly a last-name but has risen in popularity as a first name for boys. One guy with this last-name was Samuel Beckett. He was an Irish playwright, poet, and novelist, whose works include Happy Days and What Where. Unique Baby Names
So, if you want your son to have an adorable, yet aristocratic and artistic, name, then Beckett is one to consider.
5. Tinsley This name comes from a place in South Yorkshire, England. The word is derived from Old English and was initially “Tingas-Leah ” which translates to “assembly meadow.” It was originally written as “Tineslawe” or “Tirneslawe.” The area used to be home to an ancient chapel, and in 1877 the Chapel of St Laurence was built in the same place. Unique Baby Names
Tinsley now contains various shopping centers, soccer fields, and playgrounds. However, Tinsley is gaining popularity as a name for baby girls. A famous lady with this name that you might know is Tinsley Mortimer; she is a TV personality and socialite. Unique Baby Names
4. Sage This isn’t only a delicious herb used in sausages; it is also a unique baby name growing in popularity. The plant, sage, is commonly used in cooking, but it has more meaning than that. It comes from the Latin words “salvia or “salvus” which roughly translate to “healing” and “safe” respectively. Unique Baby Names
It also refers to a wise man or wisdom in general from the Latin word “sapere,” which means “be wise.” Sage is also a clever name and can be used for girls and boys. Many of us saw the red-haired vampire named Sage on The Vampire Diaries television show and grew to love the name from that. Unique Baby Names
3. Aymeline This unique name is a combination of other, more common girl names. The second half of Aymeline comes from the Greek name Melina, and comes from the word for “honey.” It could also refer to the name Meline, which is derived from Latin and means “eager,” “work,” or “sweet.” The very first component from the call originates from the German name Amelia, which means “work.” Aymeline is a play on the spelling of all of these names and can be interpreted in different ways. Unique Baby Names
A woman that holds this title is Aymeline Valade (Vuh-lad); she is a model and actress from France.
2. Cairo - This is, of course, a very famous place in Egypt, considering it’s the capital. The Pyramids of Giza are all located within this great city as well as the Great Sphinx of Giza; because of this, Cairo is often related to Ancient Egypt. The name is derived from different Arabic words for “vanquisher,” “conqueror,” and “place of combat.” Cairo is also said to mean “victorious” or “triumphant.” It is a strong-sounding name used mainly for boys. Unique Baby Names
Sometimes a “K” is used in place of the “C.” The rapper Tyga even named his son, King Cairo Stevenson, after the Egyptian metropolis.
1. Titan - This is another strong-sounding name for a boy. It stems from Greek mythology, in which Titans were the spiritual offspring of the first Gods and Goddesses. Titan refers to any of the sons of Uranus and Gaia and includes Helios ) and Atlas. However, there is a female version of this name: Titaness. The Titanesses of Greek mythology include Selene and Eos, which are also unique names to consider for your baby. Saturn was named for Cronus’ Roman counterpart, and the planet’s biggest moon is called Titan. There’s no denying that this unusual name would be perfect for any new addition to your family. Unique Baby Names
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