Infants and Baby Hats

Infants and Baby Hats - Choosing a hat for children is not that easy, There are a few things you have to keep in mind when selecting a toddler winter hat.
First, try to get a winter hat that covers your child's entire head and both ears. Ear flaps are a must-have for children. The ear flaps ensure that those little body parts are included as they are supposed to be.
Some hats have ear flaps that fold backward and forwards. This is helpful if you‘re in and from the car or home a great deal. If the baby is in a room which has an exit that is used often, make sure the baby wears a hat, just to have babies' ears covered.
Why is a chin strap better for babies?
I personally like to get a hat that has chin strap closure. The reason is that it is hard for the child to pull the hat off his/her head. Chin straps snap, tie or use fastening tape-closures under the chin to keep the hat in place.Always take your child shopping with you when buying a hat, since hats must fit. Every hat looks different on every child. Baby winter hats come in all colors and styles. If your toddlers are hat-fussy, letting them choose the hat themselves might be the key to keeping one on their head.
Which fabric should the hat be made to get a hat that's warm enough?
Make sure the fabric is insulated and is water resistant, somewinter hats have waterproof exteriors and are perfect for those toddlers that are snow bunnies.
Think twice about a fleece hat. Fleece hats tend to produce static and will make toddler's hair a clingy mess when you remove it.
It is always a great idea to buy the coat first and then the hat, so it's easier to match. Remember to take along the skin with you to the store to match the hat.
When I match a hat to a coat this is what I do:
For babies up to 18 months I like light colors a pink hat to a pink jacket and a light blue hat to a blue coat. I buy extra warm hats for my babies, I focus a lot on the ear flaps. When I shop for my toddlers or any older age I don't mind the dark colors like green, brown, navy and burgundy as long as it's warm and blends into the colors of the coat. Seasonal outerwear I buy large enough to leave room for growth spurts, to have use of it at least two seasons, not oversized but not too fitted.Saving Money when Shopping for Hats and other clothes?
Did you know that you can spend less money shopping at department and specialty stores than you can at discount stores? It's true! You can save hundreds every season by buying at the right time. Every retailer has clearance racks at specific times a year to get the best deals. Look in the newspaper for additional coupons for department stores.Make sure you understand return policies, which have gotten stricter in many stores, and file your receipts, which are also crucial for any items with a wear-out warranty.
Source: EzineArticles
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