How To Choose A Baby Changing Bag

How To Choose A Baby Changing Bag - There utilized to be a time when altering bags for babies were purely functional - literally, a kit designed to accommodate all the baby gear you need to take with you when taking your newborn out for a few hours. Often bulky these bags had separate compartments for nappies, wipes, baby bottles, nappy cream as well as a waterproof changing mat. , and new mums and dads have a massive selection of baby changing bags to choose from to suit all lifestyles and budgets. If you're a yummy mummy, there are even bags to color coordinate with your baby buggy selected or outfit.
Faced with so much choice just how do you choose a baby bag that will be perfect for your own needs? Always consider when you will be using the baby bag. If you want a bag that is fashionable yet practical for a formal occasion such as a wedding or christening check out the new range of clutch bags. These elegant bags include an insulated bottle holder, large padded changing mat plus enough compartments for spare nappies and lip gloss. Perfect for fashion conscious yummy mummies but definitely not one for new dads!
So what about dads? A pretty floral design might be just what you are looking for but would dad be comfortable using it. If he wouldn't will he need a different bag for when he takes the baby out or are you better off going for a unisex looking bag that dad would feel happy to use?
Do you intend carrying your baby bag? If so a messenger type bag or backpack style baby changing bag could be just what you are looking for. Remember you may have to carry this bag for hours so comfort should always be a priority. Look for well made preferably adjustable padded straps in a style that suits your body frame.
If most of the time you will be going out with your baby you will be walking with baby safely snuggled up in a buggy then look at buggy compatible baby bags. These bags sit conveniently on the buggy handle or fit in the shopping basket under your buggy. It may sound obvious but if you go for this option to ensure the baby changing bag you choose is actually compatible with the dimensions and design of your own buggy.
There are now literally thousands of designs of baby changing bags available. Always make sure your choice is well made of a durable, lightweight material that can be easily wiped clean. New innovations such as the baby changing bag which doubles as a baby carrier continue to crop up, so it's always worth checking online sites for new trends.
Source: EzineArticles
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